Swarnalatha J: the mother

Proactive, Swarnalatha J set up the Swarga Foundation.

It was an organization she had launched with her husband, Guruprasad T S, where the couple teaches kids and ladies to grow their own food. In this way, the latter would not just be able to ‘become more passionate and kind towards the nature’ but also get trained in healthy eating and holistic living.

Swarnalatha J had thought of this while she was still at a hospital, battling with primary progressive multiple sclerosis. She didn’t have the disease until October 26, 2009—the day before her sixth wedding anniversary. She fainted then because of a sudden fever.

“I thought I was close to death. I was weeping continually looking at my two-year old son. My condition was way beyond the comprehension of the local doctors. I was shifted to Fortis. The next day, on my wedding anniversary, all the tests were done. During my 6-day stay at the hospital, doctors failed to confirm the diagnosis,” she recounted in a report.

In the hospital, however, Swarnalatha J has been able to “[empathize] with nature and began to see divinity in everything.” She has been a ‘different personality’ when she returned home.

“And when I returned home, after 100 days, I was a different personality, looking at life with a different perspective. I had lost of weight, looked younger, and most importantly, felt at peace with myself. I had stopped taking guilt trips and started appreciating gifts of nature. I made myself clear that multiple sclerosis has crept into my brain, I will not let it into my mind,” she had added.

To date, Swarnalatha J still spends three to four months in a hospital every year. She actually would not do anything that is not related to the Swarga Foundation to save her physical energy.

“Only the magnitude varied and that I have to learn to face the problems bravely, because this was the only option left. I read works of Eckhart Tolle, Paulo Coelho, Louise Hay, Anita Moorjani, Sri M, and many more, practiced meditation, yoga, pranayama, Sudarshan Kriya, all amidst the nature, on the banks of River Periyar. And everything was pointing in the same direction—‘To Be’ and ‘To Be Me.’” ~ Swarnalatha J

Video taken from the YouTube Channel of Swarnalatha J

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